Saturday, August 21, 2010


Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I find more often than not, I have to consciously make a very concerted effort to guard my mind. It is a difficult but necessary task, that requires consistency as well.  Guarding my mind is what keeps me focused on God and His ways. It is so easy to within an instant, allow the world's way to distract me.

Let's take beauty for example. To the world, it is primarily on the outside...clothes, shoes, handbags, houses, cars, our hair, our body, our jewlery. Sure we can see beauty through the sparkle of someone's eyes, the gorgeous big smile of a child, or a stranger, or a loved one. Or we may see it in the mountains, the ocean, the butterfly that crosses our path or the aroma of flowers in a garden or on a hillside. But we must protect our minds from defining beauty as the world does.

This revelation came to me almost three years ago, when I felt the pressing on my spirit to stop reading Hollywood and fashion magazines.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Heavenly Hosts

Romans 12:10
Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality.

Today I was listening to a podcast and the pastor posed a great question. Do you use your home to host those who are maybe too uncomfortable to go to church? You can break bread with them at your dining room table and entertain and serve them or just love on them by listening when they are in need-all while exemplifying the love of Christ.

He asked if our homes have been used to pray over people? I smiled with excitement as I was grateful that I could say yes. But then I was immediately humbled as I thought to myself....well-it's not in that way enough.

And then it got worse when I realized my answer to the next question. He then explained that we are called to be missionaries not just overseas and outside of our borders-but in our own backyard and across the street. That is when I got so frustrated wtih myself and realized my own next door neighbor does not even know I am a follower of Christ and love Him so much.

And...I have just recently started to become a better hostess. For years I was always so stressed when people would come over. I didn't take time to talk to my guests because I was so busy with the details of the dinner or party. I didn't slow down and relax so they could enjoy themselves. I took on too much and I was always late for my own party. I always wanted to be the best entertainer and wanted my house to look as perfect as I could make it. I wanted to do it all myself. But that was all for my glory-not God's. About a year ago, I read this verse below and then it sunk in. I had been doing it all wrong. I am now focused on doing what I can to make them feel welcomed and comfortable. It is so much easier when the change comes from the Holy Spirit and not the effort of my flesh.

Maybe if I invite the neighbors on the one side over who I love and adore, it will help me get the courage to invite the one on the other side whom I barely know.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Out of this world

We are called to live in this world but not to be of it, not to love its ways-because its ways are not God's ways.

1 John 2: 15-17
Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world-the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does-comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.

These few words are so rich in substance, meaning and truth. It amazes me that although the Bible was written very long ago, it provides perfect counsel and wisdom for the current day.

For me, worldliness starts with my mind. I have to guard it. The Holy Spirit prompts me when I start to go off track. Then it is up to me to make the wise choice from there. I think as I begin to walk more often in the Spirit instead of my flesh, it becomes easier each to get back on track each time I vear off. But it takes self-control and a conscience decision to turn from one's longstanding ways. (or at least for me it does) I can not do it on my own. I need the Holy Spirit to guide me, as well as friends and family members who hold me accountable.

As we grow closer and closer to Christ, and when we receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit-we become keenly aware of how vastly different the world's ways truly are from God's. We care more about His concerns, we become less self-focused, we take on the likeness of Christ...some more than others, each at our own place and time-as we go through this adventure of faith and intimacy with Christ.

Galatians 3:26
You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.

We actually begin to rid ourselves from the world's ways and become clothed in Christ. It feels awkward at times. But wouldn't that make sense? Just because we live in this world, does not mean we are of it.

As I begin to feel uncomfortable in my worldly patterns in different areas of my life, that is my way of knowing I am growing closer to Christ and becoming more aware and even obedient.

Dear Lord- Thanks for keeping me on a tight leash and on the right track. Thanks for giving me ears to hear the whisper of the Holy Spirit. I know at the same time you call me to make the wise choice all the time as you have given us both knowledge and faith. May we walk wisely and humbly in this chaotic world, that is yet so beautiful too because you created it.