Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Psalm 46:10
"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, 
I will be exalted in the earth."

This may be too much information to share, but I just have to because it is so amazing to me that I have realized as of late, God whispers to me when I am in four very distinct places:

1.  Driving alone in the car 
2.  When I am walking or running by myself, sometimes with my dog (praying is part of my ritual of my walks/run)
3.  In the shower (this is most often the case when I hear Him)
4.  When I am swimming laps in the pool, praying as well-all the while trying to remember the # of laps I have done 

It is always when things are quiet and I am removed from the hussle and bussle of my day and the world, that He catches me off guard, with a whisper, with a loving word, with encouragement, and also with conviction.  And it is "so God" to do it when least expected and with perfect timing.

I became aware of this repeated pattern of His only during a quiet time, when I slowed down to settle myself.  It is oh so precious to me.

It does not happen in every instance when I am physically in one of these places-no not at all.  Usually it is when my heart is aligned with His-which is not often enough.  I notice when I redirect my efforts for the day towards His Kingdom and am working for Him on projects, ideas, etc. is when it occurs vs when I am simply on autopilot for the day. 

When I ponder on it, it is chilling to think what measures I go to, to readjust my schedule for work, for a personal indulgence, to accomodate my own coziness or comfort or to ensure an hour of exercise-but I don't necessarily do the same for Him.  I feel the continous tug of war inside of me to go to bed earlier so I can wake up earlier and spend the early morning hours with Him and in His Word.  When I do that, my day always takes a different path.  Those days are more of an adventure, with tiny revelations throughout them.  They are exciting days, even during tough times.  I seem to have ears that hear and eyes that see moreso on those particular days.  I am more intune with Him.

Is He truly at the top of my list each morning? No-not always.  Yet I claim I love Him so much.

It takes intention, discipline and obedience to keep our Heavenly Father, the King of Kings at the top of our day, in the center of our life and on the forefront of our mind as we make decisions and choices.  

But I think before we even get to that point, we have to have an open heart to receive Him in, so we can begin to experience the love relationship that He so longs to have with us.  He is after all our Perfect Parent and loves us more than our parents love us and even more than a parent loves their own child.

Lord- Thank you for revealing yourself to me when I am still and removed from the chaos of life.  I cherish those moments.  I am honored to get the nudge or the whisper.  It is a joy and an adventure that compares to none other.  Help me to always receive your Word and put it to good use as nothing You say or do is meaningless.  Thank you for pursuing me continually.

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