Are we still a nation under God? I chose to think so. I hope so...no matter what pop culture says or does not say, regardless of what is allowed legally to be posted in a public building or not.
Did you hear about the sign displayed the past two Christmas seasons at the state Capitol in Chicago by a group known as Freedom from Religion Foundation? The sign
(placed infront of the Christmas tree) read:
"At the time of the winter solstice, let reason prevail. There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell. There is only our natural world. Religion is just myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds."
When a Chicago Republican candidate running for office knocked the sign face down he was escorted out of the building and written up by the Capitol police.
Stories like this make me sad about our country. But on the other hand, I was delighted as I spent some time researching our nation's history in order to reconfirm the facts that articulate we are of course a nation founded under God. The information is overwhelmingly clear. Here is just one link to review.
And just a few examples of what is listed in the link...
Most of the fifty-five Founding Fathers who worked on the Constitution were members of orthodox Christian churches and many were even evangelical Christians. The first official act in the First Continental Congress was to open in Christian prayer, which ended in these words: "...the merits of Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Savior. Amen".
This view, that we were a Christian nation, was hold for almost 150 years until the Everson v. Board of Education ruling in 1947. Before that momentous ruling, even the Supreme Court knew that we were a Christian nation. In 1892 the Court stated:
"No purpose of action against religion can be imputed to any legislation, state or national, because this is a religious people...This is a Christian nation." From the Supreme Court of the United States. This court went on to cite 87 precedents (prior actions, words, and rulings) to conclude that this was a "Christian nation".
If it is so abundantly obvious that we were founded as one nation under God....why does current culture say otherwise? It seems to me our founding fathers were full of wisdom and our current culture is far more foolish. Was is the minority winning out in our country? Why do they want God to not be at the center of our country? I mean...really?
Any poll over the past 10 years is going to show that 75-86% of our country states they are Christian (only 33% of the world states this claim), 1.5-2% Jewish (less than .025% of the world) and 13-15% no religion (right on par with the rest of the world), 4% of our nation says they are a religion other than Christian compared to the world where an entire 54% claim a religion other than Christian.
I wonder what George Washington would say to our country not being a Christian nation? He used 54 Biblical terms to describe God in his various writings.
One nation under God? I think so. I live as so.
God Bless America, my home sweet home.
Psalm 33
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He chose for His inheritance.
Lord- Help me to stand strong in honor of you. Stronger than those who deny you. May I never be timid, may I walk boldy. May all of us who live in this great nation and love you rise up taller and higher than those who deny you. May your kingdom always reign in our nation forever. May more Americans come to know you intimately each and every day. May our children find you early on in life. May our soliders and their families know you and know your endless unconditional love for each of them. May you be with all of our men and women Lord as they step out into the unknown to protect- those of us who stay back and those who are yet to be born into this great nation-as they serve others, just as you call each of us to do. Thank you for all that have gone before them too Lord.
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