Abba is the Aramaic word for "father." In the three times it is mentioned in the Bible, each time it is followed by the greek word for father reading abba ho pater in the Greek text and "Abba, Father" in the English version.
Brennan Manning points out in his book, the furious longing of God, "that American psychologists tell us that the average American baby begins to speak between the ages of 14 and 18 months. Regardless of the sex of the child, the first word normally spoken at that age is- da-da, da, daddy. A little Jewish child speaking Aramaic in first-century Palestine at that same level would begin to say
ab-ab, ab, Abba."
When Jesus teaches us in Luke 11:2-4 how to pray, He said,
"When you pray, say:
" 'Father, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come.
Give us each day our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins,
for we also forgve everyone who sings against us.
And lead us not into temptation.' "
Jesus taught the Jews that God is our compassionate loving Father. Before Jesus, people did not look at God in this way. Some still don't. No-many do not. But I am so glad I do!
How comforting! How amazing! How safe! How exciting! But oh how comforting!
This is a huge hurdle in the deepening of one's faith for many. Some just can not get their arms around the fact that God wants to have a personal relationship with each and every one of us. But for me, as I read God's Living Word day in and day out-it is so evident to me. He loves us profoundly. He knows us intimately (even if we don't know Him). He watches over us. He will never fail us...never.
It is so God to send His Son into our world, so at the crux of our faith is a Father's love for His Child, Jesus' love for His Father and there He sits at His Father's right hand...for us.
Since the majority of adults are parents there is meaning beyond measure in this love relationship.
I am not even a parent (unfortunately), yet I know that Jesus loves me more than my own parents do-because I know the love of Christ. (I don't understand the depth of it or the magnificance of it by any means...but I have always known His deep love of me) For a parent to try to get their mind around the fact that God loves their own children more than they do-must be mind twisting.
He loves us more than we can begin to fathom.
He didn't just create us and send us on our way.
If we want Him to-He will guide us and show us what we "ought to do."
He created us for a love relationship with Him first, so He could teach us how to go out into this messed up world and love others with one of a kind Christ-like love.
Any other kind of love will not run deep enough, will not be selfless, will be based on fear and insecurity, will be imbalanced and will not be perfect.
He is our Perfect Father, our Perfect Mother. He is the Perfect Parent.
Heavenly Father-
Thank you for allowing me to humbly come before You, the Creator of all things, and call You Abba Father. Thank you for loving me, for caring about me and for always being there with me wherever I go. Thank you for showing me what you care about in this world and what you do not care about-so I can get to know you better each and every day. Thank you for loving me right where I am.
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