Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Isaiah 1:25

Isaiah 1:25
I will turn my hand against you;
    I will thoroughly purge away your dross
    and remove all your impurities.

Dross- waste matter, refuse
refuse (n)-something that is discarded as worthless or useless

Redeem- to buy or pay off or buy back; to make amends for....

In today's world we often say "I am not going to judge him or her"....or someone else might say in defense..."don't judge me."  Or we might even say, "I am only accountable to God."

But don't we have to stop and ask ourselves... if someone comes to us lovely to give us wise counsel, are we acting foolish if we get defensive and turn our back to them?  Shouldn't we receive their counsel, ponder it, think about if the intentions are pure and loving?  And if they are...take heed.

Most of us can sense if when someone has pure intentions when the come to us.  

I do not think it is healthy for me to only hold myself accountable to myself and God...there is too much freedom there.  I must have an accountability partner or two.  (and in most cases if not all that should not be a spouse who may be bias)  I prefer for it to be someone older than I who is a mentor and who has a deep faith.  I seek someone who calls it like it is and does not sugar coat anything and will be deeply honest and of course keep things confidential.

At the same time, I pray I am wise enough at all times to welcome constructive insight from my family and a few close friends.  If they can not comfortably come to me in truth, then there is something wrong on my side of the relationship.

In the verse above, God was speaking to Judah and its people.  I want God to reveal to me the refuse in my life, what is unnecessary.  I want Him to prune in me a pure heart, so I can walk more pure in my life and shine brighter.  I hope and pray that I am humble enough to receive that from those that love me most as well.

In my Bible in reference to Isaiah 1:25 it says this: 
God promised to refine His people similiar to the way that metal is purged with lye in a smelting pot.  This process involves melting the metal and skimming off the impurse dross until the worker can see his own image in the liquid metal.  We must be willing to submit to God, allowing Him to remove our sin so that we might reflect His image.

I love that!

I know a few areas God is currently pruning me in and one is with my words-they can be negative instead of always positive and up lifting. (sometimes I need to just be silent and use self-control)  I know this is in part a generational trait on one side of my family.  I also know through Christ and keeping my eyes on Him, I can overcome this day by day as I allow God to prune me.  I became aware of this through a loved one sharing with me.  I am not sure that I would have recognized it on my own-by only being accountable to myself...

Sometimes God may give us a gentle whisper or He may chose to send a friend or loving family member to speak to we can be refined, so we can become more pure hearted, so we can be a bright shining light for Him and His Kingdom always.

Dear Lord-Humble me.  When you want to refine me, I know it is because You love me.  Help me to always be receptable to wise counsel, no matter how awkward the circumstances may be.  Help me to always have an open heart to be accountable to You and to others, so I can continue to grow closer to You.  You made each of us in Your image, and the mor the dross gets out of the way, the more clearly I start to be a better reflection of You.  I love you Lord.

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