Monday, September 6, 2010

Two themes this summer

Isaiah 64:8
Yet, O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.

Exodus 20: 3-6

 3 "You shall have no other gods before me.
 4 "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6but showing love to a thousand {generations} of those who love me and keep my commandments.

I did a lot of walking this summer and actually even started running again.  In early July I could only run a half a mile and just yesterday I ran 2.4.  It is the first time in probably 8 years I have ran that far. was the podcasts I listened to this summer that kept me going.  I listened to an array of pastors and nine times out of ten I would randomly select a sermon on the lists I had downloaded that had two reoccurring themes this summer...

      God is the Creator and everything else in our universe is created.
      We are created for outpouring ongoing worship for Him alone.

But do we?
    • To be totally devoted to           
It was totally bizarre, no matter what I listened to or where I was over the span of the three months of summer, these two themes kept popping up over and over.  God is telling me something as He continiously prunes me.

      Prune (as a verb):
  • To cut off or remove dead or living parts or branches of; to improve shape or growth.
  • To remove or cut out as superfluous
  • exceeding what is sufficient or necessary
  • not needed; marked by wastefulness
I have too much of just about everything-whether it is stuff, cosmetics, lotions, clothes, shoes, purses, junk food and snacks, pressures, magazines, wine glasses, worries, chores, excess weight, cards for every occassion, errands, knick knacks, candles, lists, birthday gifts...just in case, folders, jewelry I don't wear too often, etc.

I am superfluous.
It is not in congruence with God's way.
I desire less.
This will allow for reduced clutter and a gain of focus;
Thus, better use of my time.

I am grateful I am aware of this and have eyes to see what He wants me to see. It doesn't mean it will come easy unfortunately but then again I have the Holy Spirit with me to be a constant reminder.

The things listed above get in the way of my love for God.  He created us in His image to glorify Him through a life of worship.  Worship is as simple as serving and loving others.  Worship is waking up each morning and giving Him my day.  Worship is humbling myself at work.  Worship is showing a loving heart towards others.  Worship is being a mirror of Him to others.

There is that saying-where do you spend the bulk of your time?  That is what you worship.  Anything that is created (which is everything...)-our children, our families, our own body, our face and hair, our house, our possessions, the ability to teach, exercise, eat, work or serve, etc.....anything that we focus the bulk of our effort,energy and time on- day after day- other than worshipping something other than Him-our King.

God has spent time with me this summer making me keenly aware of this.  I now recognize it and I have to make an effort daily to put Him first.  I have to be aware of where I spend the majority of my time and energy.

Where is He on my list?
Where is my focus during the day?
What is the first thing I think about in the morning?
How do I prioritize my time and what comes before Him?
Am I bringing Him glory and honor by my actions throughout my day or seeking to bring glory, recognition and honor to myself?

I know it is ok to enjoy all those other things and I do but I don't want them or anything to come a priority over Him.  That is not what He intends as He continously creates all of us and all things.

Heavenly Father-  I love you so much.  I am so glad I know you and that you love me Lord.  You alone are the Creator of all things.  Help me to recognize in my days when I am focused on creation/things created and not on You.  Lord remind me in the early morning to walk in the Holy Spirit and live my day to bring You alone glory and honor....not myself.  Thank you for making us in your image.  Thank you for creating us for a love relationship with You.  Lord forgive me when I don't do things that bring you honor and glory.  Thank you for revealing to me this is my single purpose in life to bring you glory by loving others whatever that may look like day by day.  I love you

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